Major Scott Hagerty
September 1, 1966 - June 3, 2008
As I'm sure you know, Stillwater native son Army Major Scott Hagerty was killed in action in Afghanistan last Tuesday, June 3, when a roadside bomb exploded near his vehicle, killing Scott and 20-year-old Pfc Derek Holland of Wind Gap, PA.
Scott's parents Don and Shirley Hagerty are longtime Stillwater residents. Also living in Stillwater are Scott's wife Daphne and sons Jonathan (age 10) and Samuel (20 months), Samuel is named after a civilian contractor Scott worked with in Iraq who was later killed by an IED.
Scott graduated from Stillwater High School in 1984 and earned a bachelor's degree in 1993 in political science, pre-law, and international relations from Oklahoma State University.
Scott's funeral will be Friday, June 13, at 10:30 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church (corner of 7th and South Duck streets, Stillwater) with Strode Funeral Home in charge of local arrangements. Burial will immediately follow the funeral at Sunset Memorial Garden,
6500 South Perkins Road, Stillwater. Since Scott was killed in action, he will be accorded full military honors at his funeral and burial.
Hopefully, many individuals and groups in the Stillwater community and surrounding area
might like to be present on Friday morning to honor Scott and to offer thanks for his ultimate sacrifice for us. Here are some ways you and others can be a part of a support group to honor Scott:
1. Attend his funeral. The church sanctuary is large but if it is full when you arrive, there will be ushers and additional seating in the fellowship hall just south of the church, and the service will be transmitted live there on big screen TV.
2. Many officials and military personnel will attend the funeral. If you have an opportunity, let's honor Scott's service by thanking them for their service to our country.
3. Help us line the route from the church to the cemetery with individuals and groups of caring supporters.
4. Let Scott's family know that you appreciate the sacrifice Scott made for all of us. Several sites are provided such as the "condolences" link at
http://www.strodefh.com/, - or search for Scott Hagerty on the Legacy.com link at
http://www.stwnewspress.com/If you can help line the route to the cemetery, the procession will travel east on 7th street to Main Street, and then south on Main Street to Sunset Memorial Garden. Just as folks do for the OSU Homecoming parade, it is OK to park and stand at any safe location. It will be hot, so bring your water bottle. Also, each person might bring an American flag of any size and/or a homemade sign of remembrance or thanks for Scott. If you know of folks who might like to participate as a group, let me know if possible so we can share this information with the Hagerty family. Let's show this grieving family that Stillwater appreciates the freedom we have because of Scott and others who willingly serve with the knowledge they may lose their own lives.
Please forward this to others who might like to have the information.
Major Scott Hagerty
September 1, 1966 - June 3, 2008
Beloved father, husband and soldier
We will miss you always...
I know that I haven't been on here to post much in the last few years. No real excuse I guess. But this post is one that I had never hope or desired to make. On June 3, 2008, my daughter was informed by the Department of the ARMY that my son-in-law had been killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb (IED). Maj Scott Hagerty, (my son-in-law) was on a mission of goodwill in the Paktia Province in the northern part of Afghanistan with his team. His missions centered around assisting the surrounding villages, and helping to improve their living conditions. They would go from village to village and meet with the local leaders and discuss the needs of that area, such as wells for drinking water, roads conditions when necessary, and life in general.
This was Scott's third tour in the region. He served his first tour in Iraq shortly after taking Saddam out of commission. He was there when Saddam was captured and his intelligence team played a major part in his capture. From there he served in the Horn of Africa, this time in the role of a civil officer. Here his team went around helping the villages in the area improve their living conditions, as well as making a local orphanage one of their major assistance projects.
Scott dedicated his life to the military. Although he was in the Army Reserves, he spent the better part of the last five years on active duty. Scott earned his rank the hard way. He started his service in the lower ranks and worked his way up to Sgt. From here he went to OTC and received the rank of lieutenant. From that point on he strove to be the best officer he could possibly be. He was well respected in every aspect. By those that served under him, those he worked directly with in the upper ranks and most of all by his family and friends. Scott was promoted to the rank of Captain shortly before he went to Iraq for his first tour and was promoted to his present rank of Major shortly before his deployment to Afghanistan. Scott never waited to be called up to active duty. He felt it was his duty as a soldier to volunteer, and that is what he did three different times.
Scott's main goal was to make life better for everyone he came into contact with. Both as a civilian and as an officer in the Army. Scott always placed the good of his men before himself and was always there to give support to those in need. Scott leaves behind a loving wife Daphne of twelve and a half years and two wonderful boys, Jonathan 10 years old, and Samuel 20 months old. The void in our lives will never be filled. His smile, laugh, and mere presence seemed to light up the room whenever he came in. There aren't enough words to describe the loss that we feel and the anguish that my daughter is going through. Although she is showing resentment toward the person that changed his orders at the last minute sending him to Afghanistan, she knows that this is what Scott wanted to do, and nothing could have kept him from it. The scares will probably never heal completely, his absence always felt, but his memory will last forever and the joy that he brought into so many lives will never fade. Please pray for our family and Scott's parents as we go through this very traumatic time.
Our family would also like to ask that you remember Pfc Derek Holland's family in this time of mourning. Derek was one of the soldiers under Scott's command at the time of the IED explosion, and who also gave his all. Please remember him and his family in your prayers.
Our thoughts and prayers are with these families at this most difficult time.